Cable elevators

My Saturday hifi tweaking involved digging out the family’s box of wooden building blocks and using them to elevate my speaker cables off the floor. Previously under an area carpet on a wood floor. Mc 601s to SF Amati with Wireworld speaker cables (to be replaced with Cardas). 

The result—mind you the system is playing really well right now thanks to my new Cardas interconnects—is greater clarity (I think), sound stage, and texture. This is definitely about wringing out the last ounce of the system and maybe I’m imagining the improvement. I don’t think I’d spend any money on buying risers, but what the hell why not use the old building block. Looks dopey and the family laughs at me, but dang does the system sound amazing.

Anyone else play with risers/elevators?


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I've got G E Triton Refs. Along with the speaker cables, I have a LFE cable, and power cable connected.  With all those cables, I thought some separation might be a good thing.  I had some homemade risers made out of 2x4 cut offs for a while.  I thought about making something nice looking out of oak or walnut, but for the time and effort involved, I decided to go with the AQ Fog Lifters that I got on sale.  It's a really simple design.  I like the way they look.  They make my homemade speaker cables look better, too   I've never taken the time to see if if they really improve the sound, but hey, maybe :)