Cable differences -- power, interconnect, digital, and in what order?

A friend of mine has been a real connoisseur of interconnects and speaker cables; he hears very subtle differences between them, mixes and matches them with different results, and experiments with upgrades (and reselling!). 

One thing he's never done much with is power cords or power conditioners. 

This raised a question for me -- to what degree have people found differences in source and interconnect cables vs. power cables? Are they all important to an equal degree for you? Where is the greatest impact for you?

And if you do find power cables to be an important factor, where have you started making changes in your system? Wall to amp? With source? 

Thanks for any thoughts. 


Showing 1 response by digsmithd

Well i have jumped ship from Brand made power and interconnect cables to diy/parts...and it has been a fun... for most of the experience.As ghdprentice said theres no shoot from the hip in any of this hobby.I replaced amp/cd/conditioner and interconnect cables.Many hours of burn in listening.I did stick with one brand power cables and connectors.

lol...Just did all my interconnects on audioharma/burner... quick 6 hr daisy chained...thought they were done before process...😏.Wow...took them to another level.Try is all i can add...youll never know if you dont.