Cable co. is forcing me to rent or buy what they call a

digital converter box. All i’ve seen are ones to receive over the air broadcast. i couldn’t give a rats ass abouut installing  an outdoor antenna to my house’. So, what is needed to descramble channels. Well i think that’s what is needed. All i’ve seen are for terrestrial tv. thanks 

Showing 3 responses by oldhvymec

I'm with ya, I hate being forced to do stuff. :-) FORCED!! LOL 5,000 channels of the same thing..  I remember ABC, NBC and CBS. Then the UHF channel (s TWO) were how you held the rabbit ears.. :-)

We have the option to buy one or rent a box where I'm at.. Still two more boxed for something else..

Probably a plot to sterilize my rabbit and dog.. 

Speakin' of the rabbit, I got an Idea about a mobile antenna, I'm just not sure how the rabbit will feel about it..

I know if they would only invent a dual nose hair trimmer, heck ears too, don't stop there...:-)

Ok time for a little electroshock therapy, some habits are hard to break..
