Cable Break In for the Naysayers

I still cannot believe that in this stage of Audio history there are still many who claim cable break in is imagined. They even go so far as claim it is our ears that break in to the new sound. Providing many studies in the way of scientific testing. Sigh...

I noticed such a recent discussion on the What’s Best Forum. So here is my response.

______________________________________________________________________________________________ I just experienced cable break in again firsthand. 10 Days ago, I bought a new set of the AudioQuest Thunderbird XLR 2M interconnects.

First impression, they sounded good, but then after about 30 hours of usage the music started sounding very closed in and with limited high frequencies. This continued until about 130 hours of music play time.

Then at this time, the cables started to open up and began to sound better and better each passing hour. I knew at the beginning they would come around because they sounded ok at first until the break in process started. But now they have way surpassed that original sound.

Now the soundstage has become huge with fantastic frequency extensions. Very pleased with the results. Scientifically I guess we can’t prove cable break in is real, but with good equipment, good ears, it is clearly a real event.



Showing 1 response by hagtech

Good post @ozzy. A lot of the ASR folk state (with apparent absolute authority) that if you can’t measure it, you can’t hear it. I’d like to know approximately which year this started.

Was it true a hundred or two hundred years ago? In 1924, we had some very good tube amplifiers, not just for audio, but also long distance telephone and radio. Just how good was the test equipment back them? Sure they could measure distortion at a single frequency, up to a point. They also had wave analyzers (forerunner to spectrum analyzers and VNA). But really nothing super sophisticated. And yet engineers were able to design and build some very good quality amplification. My guess is that a lot of this was done by ear.

Therefore, at some point in our history there was a crossover? What year were measurements finally better than hearing?

Come on ASR people, when was it?