Bybee Speaker Bullets?

Bybee Golden Goddess "Super Effect" Speaker Bullets...
$4200.00... Tweak or bona fide upgrade?

Was wondering if anybody has had the opportunity or deep pockets to try this particular tweak,and if so ,would love to hear your opinion,impression, or any other comments.


Showing 1 response by mracoustat

I had the chance to listend to a highly modified pair of Acoustat's Spectra 6600s with bybee's and without there was a difference are they worth the money YES they are to the person that can afford them but for me i don't have that kind of money BUT if i did i would go for them without a doubt,but for now i will stick with my modified Acoustat's 1+1s and i'm satisfied of what i already own, but always looking to push the envelope,more mods coming will it ever stop YES when i'm dead.