Bybee and Furutech tweaks

I purchased one Bybee quantum signal enhancer, placed under my integrated by where the DAC/streamer and power cable all meet and Wow...I’m amazed this little block did so much. It’s definitely dropped the noise floor, as if the signal is coming through clearer. The sound is louder, but the volume was left untouched from where I had it set prior to the tweak. 
This seems a bit hard to believe, since it’s making a bigger difference than the cables I bought that were 10x the price.

I ordered the iQSE to add within my integrated at the pre-amp section along with getting a Furutech Clear Line NCF wall plug. We’ll see how those work out, but the first go at this was much better than expected.
Not at all.... I am not a seller of products.... My ideas are free in my thread for anyone who dare to experiment them or better to improve them....

By the way the "golden plate" i created for myself is more powerful than the Bybee plate i bought and they are cheap to made...

All my creativity was unleashed by the lack of the money necessary to buy elusive audio experience...

I have it now at peanuts cost but it takes me 2 years of ongoing  listening experiments.... It is on my thread.... "miracles in Audio"

Merry Christmas to you....

I bought one iQSE used and that work....

After that i created my own homemade design and it works really good at cheap prices....

Merry Christmas to you....