Bybee Active Room Neutralizers

I have read a couple of reviews on the room neutralizers which are favorable.  Has anyone in the community actually tried them or own them?  Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by alfredmaurits

Hi all,

Just want to let you know how happy I'm with my Bybee active room neutralisers. I have a high resolution set, nothing to improve upon it anymore. But a great pain was always the acoustics of my living room. Not possible to change my major living space for the music. Many room treatment items are also not fitting well with the art on the walls and the furniture. But finally - after many years - I decided to try a few things nevertheless. This accidentally happened to be a few months after the Bybee active room neutralisers were available, which I did not know. My dealer The Cable Company advised me to try a few alternatives, like the passive and active Bybees and the Synergystic Research products. After a lot of hearing, placing the products on many different places, removing them and reinstalling them, the miracle happened. I only hear the loudspeakers and no distortion anymore from reflection of walls, furniture, floor etc. Just the sound from the loudspeakers. Amazing.

I have tried to understand what takes place, read and reread the information from the manufacturer, a few reviews, but I do not understand it. I can understand that the spin of the molecules and atoms that make up the air in my room is changed. But I cannot understand how this prevents reflections of the sound. Maybe someone finally can explain, but that is just for my curiosity, because what is most important: it works wonderfully.
The sound is not changed in any way. It sounds as if I listen close to the loudspeakers. But further off there always was distortion through reflection and now it is gone. And that was what I wanted.

Alfredmaurits in the Netherlands