buzz/hum from tv

I have a 31" Panasonic tubed tv in a HT set up. I am using the Paradigm Studio 100's/450cc/dipolars for speakers. Ensemble wires rca's/power. Integra Research RDA7 amp and Marantz av9000 preamp. I have a minor noise, when the tv is off, with system on, but the noise is about 3x as loud when the tv is on.
I have also noticed that the closer the speakers are to the tv (front/center), even with the sound system off, (tv on) the speakers pick up a buzz. There is also a buzz from the tv's own speakers (which I do not use).
I believe it's the tube of the tv. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Paddlersean,Is your TV connected to a cable box?If it is I'd say you have a ground loop problem.Try disconnecting
the cable box.If the noise goes away,thats the problem.
Do a Google search and find a Xantech ground breaker.They
sell for about $10 bucks,and it worked for me.
I concur. I think you have a ground loop differential hum from your cable source connected to your tv/system! Try disconnecting your cable/satalite connection and see if it goes away. It's likely that
It is not the cable. I tried disconnecting it. The only time I have a hum is when the tv is on. The tv itself is making noise and the stereo just picks the noise up. It sounds like a real noisy tv tube. I plan on getting the tv checked out after the holidays. The tv is around 12 years old.
How close is stereo to the TV? Is it sitting right on top of the amp or pre amp? Does it need some room?

I sevice card access systems and was called out for a dead reader. Everything checked fine,except for the 17inch monitor on the other side of the wall backed up against the reader. I moved the monitor over about five inches and the reader started working. Big emf from them tubes.

EMF could be the problem. I have the tv as far away from the speakers, preamp and amplifier, but I'm limited on distance. I do plan on a new cabinet soon, but my first step will be having the tv checked out. This amp I have is 24"s deep most entertainment centers are 19-20"s so I might special order one.
Maybe I can move my tv back some and see if that helps.