Buying from China

What do you think the impact will be in buying gear from China in the near future. Will the parts supply chain be depleted. Will part s other then those specify be substituted.? Will wait times for electrics will be extended. I can get pretty paranoid about it. Interested in the options of those with better insights. Should I wait awhile until things settle down befor I place my next order? I imagine things are going to be tough for the small hi end audio manufacturer.

Showing 8 responses by glupson

No need, I happen to be even closer. Way way closer than 50 feet.

’Right up the the point the CCP decides to take peoples property and money.’
In some other countries, they call it civil forfeiture.
Do posts here really imply that China is a communist country, or am I misunderstanding them?
May have been?

You are quite generous with benefit of the doubt. It screams "give me money" everywhere.
"James Lyons-Weiler’s speculations and fear mongering just go to show how even a scientist can ..."
...become a confidence artist and ask for monetary donations.

For whatever reason, audiogon has lately become infested with strangely rabid support for con artistry.
His facebook page is surely all about money extracting.

Website is all about instilling fear and asking for money.

None of them should have anything to do with an audio website thread about possible disruption of supply of electronic items from China.
"Why can’t just use a good virus checker on your iPhone?"
Because then we have to buy an iPhone. And that one is, I think, made in China.
"Quality control (or lack of) issues are so endemic to Chinese manufacturing you need to think twice, or three or four times before buying anything from there."
It surely seems that way, but I also have a feeling that quality control is good once you buy (relatively) more expensive items. Maybe it is that way everywhere. Sort of, you get what you pay for.

I have an NAD amplifier from about twenty years ago and the box says "Made in China to NAD specifications". No quality issues with that one, Works just fine. At the same time, I have had some plastic toys that fell apart while being unpacked.

It would be interesting to know which parts is OP concerned about. Many people modify their equipment by switching parts evven before they break. Many of the electronic parts may be readily available without ordering from China at the specific moment.
You can buy anything from anywhere and end up with the company going bust with no spare parts in the end. As others have said, either cancel your order and buy McIntosh (they seem to be keeping up, still), or relax and wait for what you ordered. It is just a piece of electronics you have lived without for years already.