Buying decision time, or Time for a sanity check?

Have you ever asked yourself this question:

“Why in the world did I buy that?”

… or what moves you to buy anything else for that matter?

I get the impression much of the time, many sales are driven either by brand loyualty or familiarity. There is something to be said about popularity and technology, as well. However, in the realm of high end audio, attaining the best sound is the undisputed goal. Along that path many ‘audiophiles’ must make decisions about current or up and coming product manufacturers. Each and every decision revolves around a number of items, with performance being routinely at the top of the list. Although performance seems chiefly the reason we purchase items I do not believe it solely why an item (s), finds some way into our homes.

Many audio enthusiasts, myself included, must compromise the amount of performance they seek due to other constraints. . . Pricing, WAF, compatibility, confidence level, or preconceived notions, be they real or imagined, I think play a part.. but I’ve been wrong before.

Thus, when new companies arise offering us vaunted or so called, instituted value, or bleeding edge technology, or just a new slant on an old theme, what is it that promotes you to diminish your savings account? If there is ‘ONE’ main reason that will swing you to buy a product, what usually is that reason?

I’m simply curious as to what it is that drives our decisions for purchasing audio gear. Mainly. Naturally there are more than simply one or two of the following list which play important roles in the final analysis for myself. For me it comes down more often to value than to anything else. I am not a “no compromise” audiophile. Technology, although quite important enough, is also not the main qualifier. Color and style usually do not matter to any great extent with the exception of speaker coloring. I simply hate black… but that’s just me, and at times I have overlooked that too. I do so admire a good looking remote that can operate universally, many other electronics, and some kitchen appliances as well. I’ve always seen that as additive. One can not have too many remotes you know.

It’s your company, so you have to?
Your “electronic clock”, is ticking?
“Stereophile’s” say so?
Ego? (just got to have the latest & greatest)
Product recognition?
The kids have finally moved out?
Easy to read owner’s manual? (I’m lukewarm here)
Free delivery?
Brand loyalty?
Arrival of a new credit card?
Batteries included? (always a plus for me)
Payment Terms?
A darned good looking remote?
Future upgrade options?
Strictly the sound?
The I.R.S. made a mistake in your favor?
A darned good looking salesperson?
My stuff is ancient!

So what is it, friends? What are the main reasons you lay down your hard earned, or easily quaffed duckets for the “XYZ” Model “Eight” series X?

Do make an effort to be fair with yourself in this regard, and as always, have fun.

Showing 5 responses by blindjim

Wow! you know all them people? That's heavy.

I can't think of everything.... though I purposely left that one out figuring someone would mention it pretty soon.

No one is restricted to the list if they have another 'hot button' that pushes them over the edge in making a purchasing decision. Although I did think it to be quite in depth, actually... but good for you. Knowing someone in the bizz sure can't hurt.

Thanks much.
oouch! yep. that would have hurt me too, I'm sure. Keep going over there and letting her hear that system... ultimately she'll cave, as she'll get used to that one and want to upgrade! ..maybe.

Or, simply point out the "cute little remote" a new SYZ comes with... always a plus, not to mention that E Z payment plan.
I've long since been a proponent of getting the Department of Transportation to place warning signs near Audio dealerships... such as

"CAUTION Vehicles may abruptly leave or enter roadway without advance notice! "

YES, IT’S USUALLY A QUESTION OF “Mind over matter”. Who minds,and how much it matters.…that, and a “well written owners manual”, of course.
Good. At the very least, you know where you’re going. Thanks.

A good relationship with a dealer... Always a plus, and another one for ‘ears’. Thanks

Cool. Opportunism. I never have that sort of luck, so I don’t even try. Thanks.

Super. Another one for the ears. Thanks.

Ain’t that the truth. A sure sign of obsession. Very good.

Certainly the ears should always “have it”. I just can’t always get my wallet and ears on the same path. The wallet wins far more than I would like. In fact, my CD player, BAT preamp, and BAT amp, were purchased WITHOUT audition, whatsoever. I did ask a bunch of you people prior to those purchases… prayed some…. Then just took it on faith. Those episodes worked out fine. The CD I bought solely from the continued placement on the Class A componenets list at Stereophile. I had only heard the SCD 1, never the 777…. And again, the wallet won that time too. The ears wanted the SCD 1.

I also never heard even one of the many tubes I bought beforehand. It was all subjective advice driven. What ultimately worked well there, was finding a standup tube dealer.

still, I do have a soft spot for those cute remotes, and if they operate kitchen appliances, or double as a Qusinard, or juicer, I'll not resist.
Smart move! One for fear.

Next time buy what you want, and give it to her as a gift... if she doens't like it, just apologize and tell her "OK. Then I guess I'll be forced to use it myself... but it's OK dear, I'll make do with it." Whatever it is, get an expensive one... probably this tact may not work very often... and results will vary.