Buying Bookshelves, I love B&W but....

my experience is that the mids are a bit compressed, less open and detailed. I really like the imaging, highs, lows, fullness, stage pres etc. As well as design and build. Is this a common problem in bookshelves, obvious size limitations? Seems to be an issue with the old S3 series, new 600 and CM1. Should I demo floor standing models or consider 700 or 800 series bookshelves? Or is this simply one of the characteristics of B&W?
Demo'd with Rotel, NAD, MacIntsosh integrateds.

Showing 1 response by eweedhome

BBC monitor-sized speakers are among the best of the smaller speakers that I've auditioned. I have a pair of Harbeth Monitor 30's and Compact 7's. There are a number of good and reasonably accurate reviews floating around, including, as I recall, a good series from Stereo Times. I've done a little listening to B&W's, and I would say that the Monitor 30's seemed (for my ear) quite a bit richer than the smaller B&W's I heard. I prefer the Harbeths to floor standers from Vandersteen and Avalon, all of which I've had at home. My listening room is about 14x20.