1.) I believe Apogees are still one of the very best speakers extant. They are
dipoles, and will give a different presentation than your B&W speakers. That is
a matter of preference.
2.) You do need to play them. The big Apogees are prone to foam surround
rot caused by time, and weather. Look for dust at the bottom of the panels. If
it has deteriorated, you will hear a buzz, or hum. Check the ribbons for
taughtness. They should be loose, but straight, with no sagging. The frame
should not have joint cracks.
3.) It is easy to get Apogees serviced. You have two choices. Graz of Australia
makes fine ribbons, and ships them all over the world. There are one or two
people in the States, who have been licensed to do repairs, using his ribbons.
You can do the work yourself, if you have the time, and temperament.
On the East Coast there is a former Apogee employee, Robert Dragunas, who
has all the original Apogee jigs, and materials. He can refurbish any Apogee.
He charges a reasonable fee, and is fast.
dipoles, and will give a different presentation than your B&W speakers. That is
a matter of preference.
2.) You do need to play them. The big Apogees are prone to foam surround
rot caused by time, and weather. Look for dust at the bottom of the panels. If
it has deteriorated, you will hear a buzz, or hum. Check the ribbons for
taughtness. They should be loose, but straight, with no sagging. The frame
should not have joint cracks.
3.) It is easy to get Apogees serviced. You have two choices. Graz of Australia
makes fine ribbons, and ships them all over the world. There are one or two
people in the States, who have been licensed to do repairs, using his ribbons.
You can do the work yourself, if you have the time, and temperament.
On the East Coast there is a former Apogee employee, Robert Dragunas, who
has all the original Apogee jigs, and materials. He can refurbish any Apogee.
He charges a reasonable fee, and is fast.