Buying a new TT today

So I’m pretty hellbent on buying a new TT today! Or should I be?!?!? 
I started off kind of sour on vinyl several years back when I ignorantly bought a cheap TT that had a built in phono stage.... Talk about a disappointment! And a buzz kill for vinyl!
Anyway a year or so later I bought a Project Carbon Debut and it blew my mind!!!!  The step up in most aspects of the TT, carbon fiber tone arm/heavier plinth/much heavier platter/motor and remote position/better cartridge in a Ortofon m2red, along with the fact the it was now running through my Integrated’s Phono Stage was just such a leap in sound that I never expected, that now I’m looking for yet another leap like that again lol
Anyway, with pocket flush with cash and headed to two hi-fi shops I pause....
In my new price range, $2,000 or so, should I be looking for a new TT? Or a new cartridge for the TT I have ?

Showing 2 responses by mikelavigne

this one might be beyond your reach, but messing around in the price range you are in will likely eventually result in a similar net expenditure.

the Rega P10 ’package’ at $6000 retail will boost every piece of the current package you have to 2 or 3 levels above. and it’s a coherent, synergistic package.

and if you can sell what you got, and get a 'deal' on this one......there you are.
Good luck and enjoy going down the rabbit hole and remember, the salesman will always try to get you to spend more as there is always something better. My guy turned an arm wire upgrade into an arm, then the whole table. Previously, my cartridge was the best part of my system, and now I think it is well matched. That’s what you want.

once you get into upgraditis with entry level vinyl you have to play the long game or you won’t know whether you are coming or going. and it drives you nuts (more nuts) you go in circles (rotate). hard to gauge baby steps with each step dependant on all the other pieces of the chain.

there are plateaus that make sense to reach.

so predict where you are going and go there. or open 15 more of these threads and drive us all crazy.

or just enjoy whatever process makes you happy.