BUYERS, What Issues have you had with Sellers and Listings that Prevent you from Buying?

Some sellers have been complaining about how slow it is. Maybe what you share can help sellers make their listings more enticing.

Showing 1 response by jhills

Although it seems, considering PayPal’s hold pay policies and a number of shysters out there abusing those policies to cheat legit. sellers, that being a seller on A-Gon or EBay can be a little risky. Still I have to agree with jssmith - some of the attitudes that I’ve recently seen from some of the E-Bay, A-Gon and even Craig’s List sellers makes me wonder if they could sell a pair of socks, much less a $5K piece of audio gear.
Just one example -I recently saw an A-Gon sellers add that said, at the end of the description: "If you don’t have a high number of +feed-backs, Don’t Bother". WOW, Really? There are a number of ways to make a good sale - that’s not one of them....Jim