Buyers Beware Avoid Shawser61 Possibly Fraud

Ok! I bought a Denon DCD-S1 player from Shawser61 on Dec 20th. He hasn't shipped the player and no tracking uploaded by Dec 31st. He also stops responding to queries on Audiogon.

It's possible this seller is fraudulent in nature and a scam / con artist. I have contacted PayPal about this seller also.

Whomever thinking of dealing with him, exercise extreme caution.

Audiogon now blocks the seller information and you don't know where they live, their contact number and their direct email address. Pay Now button will take to PayPal website direct and all the seller information is hidden from buyer.

Showing 5 responses by wr.

Hello, James! Have you any news about your purchase? Maybe it will be good news...
Hello! Sorry my English, I write mostly using a google translator. I bought this guy's amp, paid on December 17 and December 18, received his trucking number. Here it is: EC771201795US. This Item did not go outside of Miami, and that it happened next is not known. It seems you are right. We have a high probability of dealing with a fraud. For me, the added complexity is that I live outside the U.S. and do not have any ability to influence the seller. I only hope for a return of their money from Paypal. May be somebody will tell me, what can I do more?
Hello! I think it's still fraud, because the information in the Paypal transaction has another tracking number (EC791208510US)!
Unfortunately, I noticed it only today, when I launched on Paypal "Non-receipt dispute".
However, this is not important, because changes nothing, but just I'm more confident that it fraud.
I paid for the amp Mcintosh MC150 1100$. By reason of seller ships only to the United States, shiping must be made to the warehouse of my international shipper ("Shipito" in Hawthorne, CA).
Thanks for your support, James_moe! I have previously made ​​a purchase at Audiogone and I considered it as safe market. Alas.
Hello, James! There is no message and no reply to paypal case from seller too. I'm write to Audiogon support about this case. Perhaps it will not be superfluous. What do you think, how long Paypal can decide when to return the money?