Buy Mono vs. Stereo LPs for Stereo Rig

Hi All,

I just heard Charlie Byrd's "Blues Sonata" ("Scherzo for an Old Shoe") for the first time and want to buy the LP. Recorded in mono in 1961, but later pressed as stereo. My cartridge (PC-1) is stereo. Which should I buy? In general, should mono LP's be just played on mono cartridges (or optimally so)? In general, if you have a stereo rig, is it better to buy the mono or stereo LP's? I know that some of the mono=>stereo conversions can be pretty wonky sometimes!

Showing 1 response by hevac1

I have a stereo system but have a mono cartridge on an extra wand for my Graham B44 (see system). I find with a mono cartridge that the music seems to flow better, be more involving and to have better definition on mono records than my stereo cartridge whether my ARC Ref3 is in stereo or mono mode. I have some pre 60's Jazz and other mono records but do not play them. I believe they require a different needle profile, EQ and can be damaged with what I have. One day I will add an arm pod for another arm and cartridge or even another table with a different phono preamp for records not setup for RIAA.