Buy an Audio Research SP10 MkII or an SP11 MkII ?


I love that big image, valvey pre-amp sound but I don't know which pre-amp to choose ... an SP10 or SP11..... Quandry ! What do you think ... or should I be looking for something else .... help.

I have ...
Audio Research D115 MkII *2
Kinergetics SW800
CAL Tempest MkII
Oxford Crystal Reference Turntable with Airtangent and Koestsu Rosewood Signature

Have fun

Showing 1 response by rx8man

Ramble on John:
You're absolutely correct, I owned an LS-5 for about a year and a half.
I shipped it off to ARC for an update, never got there.
When I called the shipper about it, they told me it was stolen during transit and my insurance was "insufficient" so I lost big time.
Sorry to side track, my current pre is a Counterpoint SA-5000A w/NOS tubes.