Butler TDB 5150 Amp -- Anyone hear this yet?

Trying to do some homework on new amps. This has a couple great reviews, but I haven't seen many posting regarding it on this site. Just wondering what people think who have heard it.
I too love this amp. It really makes my Martin Logan's come alive. Much more so than a Sunfire I had which was rated at twice the power. Detailed and Dynamic is how I would describe it. One side note, I bought a store demo and it has developed a buzzing sound after a short period of playing. Butler is trying to determine the cause as of this writing.
Paltomare, how about an update on your buzzing Butler? Cause? Cure? Your first and ONLY post on the first day of joining A'gon? Lots of questons here. The only answer I have is your "detailed and dynamic" description of the 150wpc@8ohms Butler tube hybrid amps. You sure your not the one with the buzz? J/K ;›D Regards, Robin
Nothing to report just yet, haven't heard from BK yet, he's had the amp only a week though. He thought it may not have had the upgrade. By the way, been a member for about 9 months, oh and I'm having a Newcastle right now, yummy.
Update on the buzzing Butler. I got it back last week. They replaced the power transformer, installed the rectifier cooling upgrade and re-biased the amp. The amp has been running great ever since. Upon connecting it back into my system I still heard a slight buzz, so over the weekend I disconnected every component and discovered it was coming from my cable signal passing through my processor onto the amp. I now run the cable signal through a filter and all is silent. The oddest thing is that neither the Sunfire or Denon I had hooked up reproduced that buzz. So this story has a happy ending, Butler is a great company and makes a wonderful product. Not sure why it is not more popular.