Everything in the Universe vibrates....The frequency of the vibration give everything its shape. good iso feet and a thick butcher block works great. Audio Mirror actually uses Iso-Acoustics GAIA vibration absorbing feet on their Toubadour IV SE R2R tube DAC with fantastic results. Good Listening to All.
Butcherblock Acoustics "feet" effecting sound and isolation
Hello, general question here do you believe the feet being used under a Butcherblock Acoustics platform effects the overall sound? I'm using metal spikes resting on metal decoupling discs that I ordered from Butcherblock instead of the stock rubber feet it came with. I have maple butcherblock under my phono preamp (3 inch), all tube preamp (3inch), and amplifier (1.5 inch).
Also do you think I could be over isolating with all that? I'm gonna do some experimenting this weekend but just wanted to see if anyone had thoughts or opinions on it. I've read good and bad things about isolation and over doing it. Thanks for any responses!