Burr-Brown PCM63 vs 1732

Just acquired a Onix XCD-88 with a (single I believe) 24bit onboard DAC. Would an Adcom GDA-600 (ca 1993; with dual 20bit PCM63) be a step up?

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I'm a big fan of the Adcom GDA 600/700 DACs: I own the 700 and am constantly amazed at how well it stands up to newer, pricer models. I really don't think you can go wrong with a GDA 600 since the cost of picking one up is only a few hundred dollars; cheap! They are VERY WELL BUILT! and simply aren't given the credit they deserve. My 700 is built like a tank and sits next to a YBA CD and and a North Star 192 DAC. And it can hold its own...
I've heard some people say they like the 600 better, but either one would be worth a listen.
The McCormack DAC is really good too.