Burned out Audiophile - Trying to Find some Zen


Wanted to know if others out there have felt the same way.

I think I am burned out of looking for the next best or just changing gear. I have decided, it really is like chasing a rainbow. I believe, I will not get much greater joy even if I continue to upgrade (now stand around 15K worth of gear) Sure, to get new gear is fun when you first get it, but them, as always, in a couple of months, the longing for change comes back. For those who have lots of money to continue the ongoing chase of sonic narvana - they can afford the chase. For me, maybe there are other things to pursue instead of a pair of speaker or DAC. I still listen and enjoy music, but I may have come to the end of my road as a restless searcher for sonic change/perfection.

Anyone else out there have successfully jumped off the buy and sell cycle? What have you done with yourself since? Have you felt the audiophile id calling for you again?

Just some passing thoughts- thanks

Showing 1 response by the_kid

"O yeah, the ZEN part:
stop listening to the equipment.
Never try to judge the sonics.
Listen to the music."

Well said Elizabeth! I enjoy this hobby very much but I am much more sane about it. I was truly out of control for a while buying and selling and trading. It truly got out of hand when I started buying music for recording quality instead of music I actually wanted to hear. I then called it quits for a while and sold everything but a bedroom system which consisted of a NAD Integrated and some Signet Speakers.

I actually listened to nothing else for about a year and was happy as I was enjoying music again. I then purchased my first home and had a den all to myself. I turned it into a listening room as I decided I would step things up a bit. I purchased an Electrocompainet Integrated opposed to seperates and a single box XA7Es Cd Player and ran a balanced connection. WOW! The music got much better and I did not spend a fortune.

Well, I have upgraded since then but my Cary SLI-80 is with me to stay along with my Sonus Fabers. This is a big step up from the NAD and Signets but I am still enjoying my music. That was what pulled me into this hobby to begin with.

I think it is all about finding a sound that is pleasing to you. When you have it, you will know..

Good Luck!

