Burmester B30 and 951 MK3

Has anyone heard of Burmester B30 and 961 MK3? what are the main difference in sound?

Since both are in the same range, I am wondering which one would go better with my Burmestrer 061, 051(used as a preamp), and 911 MK3.

Showing 4 responses by wayneker2176

Dear AD03

Thank you. This is exactly what I am looking for. Can you clarify more though, since it's hard to walk into an audio store that carries Burmester stuff?

When you say "perhaps a slight edge to the 961 in Bass", do you mean that 961 has a better bass response and hits lower and deeper? or do you mean that the 961 has more resolution in terms of bass?

Which one of the 2 can handle a bigger room?

My music preference is.... well... a bit of everything but I would say 40% vocal jazz, 30% instrumental jazz, 20% modern music (hip pop/pop/r&b), and 10% classical. Which one would you recommend?

I can get B30 or 961 now.... but I am tempted to go straight to B50 lol but... that will have to wait until 3 months later (or 6 months for B80). Sigh... I think both B50 and B80 are worth the wait, but they require a bigger space....

And then.... the real dilemma is.. Replacing my 051 +061 with 089 as a digital pre-amp to drive 911, or replacing 051 only with 088 as a full function pre-amp.... So... is 089+911 better than 061+088+911? I only wish there are more dealers so I can listen for myself instead of asking around.
In addition.... since the 2 speakers are so close in price, I am a bit confused about the product positioning. Is B30 a higher end product than 961 MK3 or the other way around?
Thank you. Can I please have you name so I know who to speak to when I call? in addition, do you ship to NJ? I might end up in Hong Kong in the next 6 months, nothing is definite. Right now, I can only afford either 089 or B50 (I have audition B30 and B50 during my trip to Taiwan, so... B30 is out of the question)
in addition... regarding room..... I am currently deciding between moving to NY or HK. That would of course depending on which offer I get. Regardless, I am determined to upgrade my speaker. What's the minimum size of my listening room if I want to get B50. I understand that B50 must be placed at least 2.5 meters apart. So.... would 3 meter be wide enough for B50 or do I need at least 3.5 meter? It's just silly that I am shopping around for a place to rent solely due to whether or not the room can accommodate my speakers...