Bulk cables: Oyaide vs Furutech

Due to system reconfig, I need very long >25ft power cords to continue using dedicated outlets. I am looking into making long PC with either 10awg Oyaide or 10G Furutech. Any experience with these?

Oyaide offers PCOCC vs furutech has "alpha" process. Which sounds better?

Showing 1 response by guidocorona

Hi Glai, I have used Furutech High End Performance series bulk wires with great results (PCs, ICs, speaker wires), until I later migrated to Furutech Flux, and more recently to Shunyata King Cobra CX. The Furutech High End Perf have easily exceeded the already impressive sonic/musical performance of the Furutech Evo II that I have reviewed on PFO issue 45:
Which in turn, I have easily preferred over none other than Nordost Odin for their relaxed resolution and musicality.

Furutech High End Performance bulk wires are IMO wonderful price performers. Can you do better? . . . Sure, but you may need to adopt some reasonably exotic wires. . , like Furutech PowerFlux, or IMO even more desirable, Shunyata King Cobra CX for example.

The wires can be custom cut, and even terminated directly by the importer:

Elite Audio Video Distribution
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Unfortunately, as I have not tried the Oyaide wires, I can't provide even the vaguest of comparative opinions. What I recommend though, is that you do not worry too much about the respective technologies, but you try out both wires. You never know what you might like better.