Building the Best "Used" Budget System under $3000

I've been reading several threads on all best equipment (most of it out of my price range). I'm convinced, for a music lover with a novice ear, that an affordable quality system can be assembled from "pre-owned" equipment. So, if you were building a COMPLETE system from the ground up for your best friend who was just getting started and only had a maximum of $3000 to spend, what would you recommend. This system is for the HiFi music lover only (no Home Theather) and should includes analog and CD. An expert would also consider the future need to upgrade once the "bug" takes over.

Showing 1 response by pragmatist

Ok,I'll play.

-Monarchy preamp/dac model 33, 550 dollars
-Van Alstine amp 240 or 260, 800 dollars
-Nad 521i cd player(used as transport),200 dollars
-Cambridge Audio tuner, 200 dollars
-Sony table/cartridge(The one with a self contained phone pre amp), 200 dollars
-Vandersteen 2ce s,1000 dollars
-plain vanilla manufactuer supplied innerconnects
-16g heater cord from the hardware store to connect speakers.

Just subjective opinion.....