Building crossovers

I have a pair of Magnepan .7 and would like to upgrade the crossovers. Does anybody know where I can have this done. Just build the crossovers I will install.



Give Danny Richie at GR Research a call or email. He had had at least one Magnepan model sent to him for evaluation, and he posted a YouTube video in which he discusses and demonstrates what he discovered. As he regularly does with loudspeakers sent to him by customers, he designed a new crossover for that Maggie.


Ah, here it is:


@arya -

      Don't be dismayed, should your new parts sound less than ideal, upon first listen.

      The better the dielectrics used in construction, the longer the capacitors will take to sound their best.


        Also: the better caps will (usually) have their outer foil lead marked, to help with optimum orientation, in specific applications.





@arya: Danny at GR Research has several guys who build his speaker kits (including crossovers) for those lacking the tools, skills, and/or desire to do it themselves. I imagine having one of them build you just a crossover is possible, so contact Danny. He's a very down-to-earth, friendly guy.