Building a HT/2channel system around Piega P10's?

Just bought some used Piega P-10 speakers and center which is all I have now other than an old Denon 2 channel receiver and Paradigm Mini Mark II's which will be used as back channels.
Was looking to get a Denon 3803 this week then add an Adcom 5802 in a month or two.
Maybe a Phillips Model 1000 to upgrade the current no name DVD/CD player.
Ultimately would spend up to 15K on the additional components but have to do it over 1-2 years due to the WAF.
Any recommendations on a receiver or what I should get next as would I like to enjoy HT sooner rather than later.
Not looking for the "Ultimate" 2 channel sound but would like to be high up on the performance/price curve.
Listen to classical, jazz, some rock.
Wanted to say thanks to the forum members as I've learnt a lot here.

Showing 1 response by gajgmusic


Its an interesting question. I have piega multichannel and two channel systems. I am using lexicon amp and preamp (mc-8)which do come up on audiogon not infrequently at pretty good prices. They are quite musical and easy to use, even for a home theater idiot such as me. They don't match the quality of the two channel but are more than acceptable and very easy to listen to. If you have any questions drop me a note. An alternative would be a good reciever, I have heard good things about the sunfire but have not heard it myself. As always I must say I am the Canadian representative for piega so you must take what I say with a grain of salt. Good luck
