Building a house

In the design phase and planning on a dedicated listening room. Any advice on its construction, lessons learned?

Showing 1 response by smaarch1

Maybe  a bit more than  you need...maybe not.
And a bit of a different problem
I'm an architect doing larger scale projects, namely Educational. Often the program involves a Music instructional music class for instruments. Sometimes to listen to recorded music  as well, but not always.
This is different from a home in that has to put up with a certain level of use that you won't experience.
The construction is meant to isolate the space from other adjacent spaces. I have  done suspended and isolated floor systems, as much to isolate it from adjacent spaces but also  from  the resonant nature of the structure.  Ceilings also are a special consideration with very specific suspension methods.
At the front of all of this are the room proportions