Building a house with dedicated stereo room-advice

Building anew house with a dedicated stereo room. The room will be built using ASC's IsoRoom system. It will also have dedicated lines and I will purchase high end plug in receptacles (advice here?). Anything else I should be sure to include? Please advise, particularly with the electrical distribution.

Showing 1 response by jweiss

Want a real listening room? Go to this website and start learning-

This team, led by Frenchman Thomas Jouanjean, are regarded as the top designers of mastering labs in the world today. Take a look at what they are working on right now, and you will understand. Then, go to this webiste, a facility they did in Amsterdam-

Click on the Studio tab, and look at the slideshow which has extremely detailed drawings and images of the actual construction. I seriously doubt you or anyone at Audiogon will go to these lengths on a home listening room, but it is good to know what the professional approach to a listening room is, as opposed to what you will get on a board like this.
