Building a house with dedicated stereo room-advice

Building anew house with a dedicated stereo room. The room will be built using ASC's IsoRoom system. It will also have dedicated lines and I will purchase high end plug in receptacles (advice here?). Anything else I should be sure to include? Please advise, particularly with the electrical distribution.

Showing 1 response by fbhifi

No need to spend the money on a Rives room. I've done several dedicated rooms over the years. By a wide margin the best results I've achieved is by building exactly to Cardas Golden Ratio dimensions. Cardas also has a formula for speaker placement and listening chair position (equilateral triangle) and it's the best I've heard. I'd go with an MGE Power Supress 100 isolation transformer- $1000- dedicated AC lines and Jena, Porter Port or Oyaide outlets and you're pretty well done. Save the Rives money for better equipment, more music, etc. The Rives program is no panacea!!