Budget USB DAC

I'm looking for a budget USB DAC. Does anyone have any experience with Diyeden, Fubar II, or Keces? Are these worth looking at?

All I need is the USB port, and RCA outputs like the Scott Nixon and Wavelength units have. I can't afford that price range though.

Showing 1 response by jwmazur

UHF Magazine just published a review of Blue Circle's The "Thingee", USB converter/DAC. It can be used to convert the USB output to another type of interface such as coax, optical, or balanced (SPDIF?) for output to an external DAC. However, in the article they said their "jaws dropped" and "How could it be this good?"when they heard the analog output from the onboard DAC of The Thingee. For $170 to $190 it might be worth looking into.

Good luck.