Budget USB cable?

It pains me to have to try and find a "good sounding USB cable". The whole thought that USB cables can sound different just sticks in my craw. Oh, I know for sure that other cables make a difference (even coax digital and Toslink), but for some reason the whole USB thing makes me crabby.

Onward to the discussion. It seems the Audioquest Carbon is a well reviewed and regarded USB cable. If I try to stick to the $100 max price point, are there any others that can give the Carbon a run for its money? The use would be between my TT3.0'd and EDO'd Touch and my PWD DAC II. Looking for all the usual virtues - no "sound" of its own, neutral, extended and articulate in both directions without being dry or brittle, a natural acoustic sound without being warm or soft. You know, perfect. :-)

Showing 2 responses by almarg

The whole thought that USB cables can sound different just sticks in my craw.
From a technical standpoint, and speaking as an experienced digital and analog designer (not for audio), I would not find it at all surprising if there were sonic differences between USB cables. USB cable differences could affect RFI that might be radiated from the cable and couple into arbitrary circuit points elsewhere within the system, with unpredictable effects; ground loop issues; noise pickup; waveform integrity; jitter, etc.

However, assuming that the cables are reasonably well made I see absolutely no reason to expect much if any consistency or predictability of their sonic effects from system to system, or from one physical arrangement of the components to another, or even between different lengths of the same cable type.

In other words, although I would expect there to be sonic differences, I would not attribute specific sonic characteristics to specific cables. And I would expect that the only way to determine which cable will work best in your system, among a group of candidates that are of reasonably good quality, would be to try them in your system.


-- Al
Emerson (Foster_9), thank you most kindly!

Richard, thanks also. Your inputs always warrant respect, IMO, notwithstanding the fact that on some issues, such as this one, we civilly agree to disagree.

Best regards,
-- Al