Budget phono stage- advice appreciated

I would appreciate any opinions/advice you may have. I need to add an outboard phono stage to my home office system. The system as is stands right now: Audio Refinement Complete Integrated, Magnum Dynalab tuner, Oracle Alexandria/Sumiko/Grado Platinum, NAD Reference Series CD Player, Totem Rokk speakers. I considered adding the NAD PP-1 phono stage, but my local NAD dealer tells me it's barely adequate, he recommended the Creek OBH-8. I've read mixed reviews on the Creek. I don't want to spend a lot of money on the phono stage, it's really casual listening while I work. Ideas? Thanks, Jeff
Hi Jeff, news from the land of the cube (that is Germany): I´m using the cube and it´s fabulous. I maybe drop it only because I will get a Klyne PX2.5 soon. But man, try it - you will not regret it! And if I will keep the Klyne (I´ll probably do that) I might sell mine. Try to find out wether the PSU can be easily adjusted to 110 volts (check under lehmannaudio.de/entec/ - Mr. Lehmann is always helpful!). If you can, that might be the ticket, because I could sell mine for under $400. Anyway, whatever you do try to get a hold on this wonderful little amp, you´d regret it if you wouldn´t. Best wishes from Chris
ok - shameless plug: i have a musical surroundings phonomena, only ~2.5 months old, for sale; i'm asking $450. i bought it from audio outlet, ny - they recommended it over the black cube, which they also carry - said the phonomena was *much* nicer. i'm only selling cuz i got a *steal* on a ~$1900 pentagon p-3 - couldn't pass it up! ;~) if ya don't wanna spend that much money, check out the acurus p-10; i recently had a conversation w/a guy who said it was much better than the black cube - he had both in his system, & returned the cube. i tink there's one on ebay rite now...
I Love analog, but really, for casual listening to me implies in the back ground. Why bother with the vinyl, stick with the CD's. If you have some lp's that you can't replace but don't listen to often, get a used Creek or a NAD, or Musica Hall. all are cheap, sound ok, at least they will beat what is in most AV amps today.
Take note. The Lehmann Audio Black Cube sells for a MSR of 678DM in Germany (tax included). At today's exchange rate, that is about $350. Whenever my friends come over from the USA to visit me in Germany, I always recommend to them to buy a Black Cube here and change the power supply once they get back.
I'm surprised that no-one has yet mentioned the E.A.R. 834P; having auditioned most of the components suggested above, I humbly suggest that the 834P is in an entirely different, and much higher, class, for about the same cost. With all due respect, the Lehmann just cannot compare, having many additive shortcomings, including falsely etched "detail" and a hashy and sibilant treble. Simply, it is very hi-fi sounding, but not very true to the music -- it produces a couple of sonically spectacular effects at the cost of the live emotional vibrancy of music. After a live concert the E.A.R can still satisfy; the above alternatives will, by comparison, sound much more like a poor and mechanical reproduction.