Budget or Mid-Market DAC for Use with Naim HDX

Has anyone used a mid-market DAC with a Naim HDX? I’m using an HDX with an Audio Alchemy DAC in a Box. The sound is almost as good as a Naim CDX2, but not quite…

My question is whether a more recent mid-market DAC that is >=$1000 will enable the HDX to surpass the sound quality of the CDX2. I checked the Naim Forum, and all HDX/DAC-related traffic was about the HDX and nDAC combination, which is way beyond what I’m able to budget.

Does it make sense to find a DAC that will get me close to the sound I had with the CDX2? Alternatively, does it make more sense to return the HDX, and retrieve my 2004-era CDX2?

My system is: Linn Exotik Pre and Akurate 2200 v2010, HDX, and AA DAC. ICS are AQ Cheetahs. Digital coax is Transparent Premium.

Showing 1 response by audiojedi

The Naim crew were pretty big on the Lavry DA10 so that would be worth looking into.