Budget Insulation Advice

I live in an apartment with relatively thin walls. The only way to avoid neighborly complaints is to play music at a level where my receiver isn't as detailed as I want to hear. Basically I want to know if there's any cheap (read not specifically designed for this purpose) way of insulating the wall. The wall is probably around 125 sq ft and I really don't want to spend more than $200 for the project. Looks aren't important and I don't need to sound-proof just reduce the amount of sound that passes through the wall. Also would you have any recommendations for compensating for the newly 'deadened' room.

Showing 1 response by mezmo

If I had a dime for every time I wanted to do exactly that, (turn it up and wait till they came a'knocking) I'd buy my own house and pay off the cops to let me play as loud as I wanted... Unfortunately, however, I live across the street from the 6th precinct in NYC--so the cops actually ARE the neighbors I have to worry about pissing off. All considerations of hardware aside, the single most important upgrade on my wishlist is a better place to turn the whole mess on. I feel your pain.