Budget DAC recommendation for Office system

I have converted one of our bedrooms into an office and putting in a modest system. I currently have an AppleTV connected to a TV for the musical purpose of streaming Tidal. I am taking the optical output from the TV into an old Fosgate FAP-T1+ to act as a DAC into a refurbished Hartman Kardon 770 receiver that drives a pair of Onix Rocket RS150 speakers or Green Mountain Euopas. The Fosgate is too big and runs pretty warm . I am looking to replace that with a decent budget DAC. I am thinking about a Schiit Modi 3+, the new Modi e or maybe a used Musical Fidelity V-90 DAC.  I have high end systems in other rooms of the house so just looking for something decent here.

I welcome comments and alternate suggestions


Showing 3 responses by fuzztone

This sounds as good as the Schiit Modi Multibit it replaced. At least on Kennertons and Focals.

Of course I can’t compare because the Schiit failed in less than 3 years.

I got it same price on Amazon. The included headphone amp is fine also.

I ordered a S.M.S.L SU-9n for $340 all in, 30 day free trial. It looks like the best buy out there right now,

Both have all three switchable inputs and play resolutions that Schiit ignored.

Diggin’ Machine Head in DSD in my office now on the $65 special:.


The Topping E30 just showed up new with warranty for $127 all in.