budget cleaning ideas for garage sale records?

I Have a low cost setup sony sacd/cd, adcom preamp/tuner, Mcintosh Mc2200 amp, and infinity kappa 6 speakers . My sony turntable is on its way and I have picked up some used records and would like some ideas on cleaning them.
Thanks for any help,

Showing 2 responses by ljgj

Plain soap(Dawn) and luke warm water works fine. Dry them off with cold air from your hair dryer or a fan after wiping them off ever so gently.
I have been cleaning records for thirty five years with soap and water like I said. A Dj I knew way back when used it so I tried it and it worked great. Never had a problem - I would not use alcohol - messed one up about thirty five years ago like that. The discwasher brush is helpful with the soap and water. I guess you could spend money on a solution but I would rather buy records.