Budget CDP: Cambridge 640c, Marantz CD5003, what?

I have a close friend whose JVC 1010, which I gave him years ago, has finally died (after 20 years!). His system is vintage Vandersteen 2's with an Eagle amp and Bryston pre. It's a lively-sounding system, but he's not at all an audiophile. He is resisting my suggestions to spend decent money to replace the JVC, so I'm looking at CDPs in the $400 range. The Cambridge and Marantz seem like safe bets, but I have no idea what they sound like and which would pair best with his system. The JVC was very clean-sounding with a slightly elevated and thin treble and a lean bass. Something that is not a huge departure from that would probably be safest. He wants reliability and longevity. SACD not desired. Thoughts?
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Showing 6 responses by drubin

I was wondering if you had ever listened to the NAD 545BEE as a standalone player, since that's how my friend would use it.
Thanks for your thoughts. My friend will go with my recommendation and used is okay, but I want to be sure that it's going to last. The Denon 3910 gives *me* a bad feeling in that regard and, besides, I'd prefer to get a plain old CDP.

I offered him an Arcam FMJ23T that I recently picked up. $700. But he balked at the price, which is why I am exploring other options. I figure new is just easier, but I'm not bound to it. My frustration is that I have no idea how all of these players sound and if they'd be a good fit. I should have mentioned that he listens exclusively to jazz, mostly be-bop. So PRAT and energy are key. I think a "laid-back" sound, whatever that means, might not be ideal.
Great catch, Cleaneduphippy! I hadn't seen that PFO review and I agree with your reasoning. Thanks!
NAD also has two sub-$500 models that are well-reviewed. Anyone have experience with them?
No, that's very helpful, thanks.

I've ordered a Cambridge 640c from AA. If I like it, we're done. If not, I may order a NAD and/or a Marantz for comparison and return the one(s) I like least.