Budget Amp for Avalon Eidolon

I noticed here a few conversations already about Avalon Eidolon and best matching amp. It appeared Eidolon sounds best with CAT and Jadis. But I can't afford to buy Eidolon and recommended amp electronics.

Could you please let me know if you had a good experience with 'down to earth' amps with Avalon Eidolon.

My current system is

Meridian 508.24,ARC LS15 Preamp,ARC VT100 MkII, Proac2.5, interconnect(XLR)\speaker cable - NBS Master III, Svetlana valves.

I was considering
1) change only speakers
2) change ARC VT100 for more powerful Mcintosh (don't know which one yet. I found suggestion to bridge MC275 and get 150W per channel.
3)change ARC VT100 for Electrocompaniet AW120 ( Nice SS amp can produce 200W into 4oms)
4)change VT100 for Gamut D200 MkIII ?
5)change VT100 for Ayre V-1xe ?

What are your suggestions?

Please write only if you had an experience with Avalon Eidolon and 'down to earth amps' (under US$10000)

Showing 2 responses by eavr11


Do I have to use Paul Speltz's Zero autoformers if I'm using Atma Sphere MA-1(OTLs) with Eidolons (3.6Ohm)? Do autoformers deteriorate a quality of sound?
Thank you everyone for your response. I decided to buy second hand CAT JL2. CAT doesn't have distributor in Australia and I can't audition the amplifier. But after having numerous conversations with owners of CAT and Eidolon speakers I'm inclined to obtain CAT JL2

As for Atma Sphere MA-1 Mk2.III I received some great and some discouraging opinions in regards to matching it with low impedance Avalon Eidolon. I'd love to listen to this great amp but Atma Sphere dealer is in another state and asking $500 for transporting for an audition in my place. Taking in account discouraging opinions and 50/50 chance of leaving the amp in my place after audition I decided not to go ahead.