budget amp for Apogee Duetta2's?

I have a pair of Apogee Duetta2 coming.
$800-$1200 to spend on amplification.

looking at (in order of preference):
1) Ayre V-3 (will this drive them?)
2) Aragon 8008BB (afraid it will not be warm enough)
3) B&K M200 monoblocks
4) Bryston 4B ST

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. If any listed will not dive the apogees well please please let me know!

(p.s. sorry, i know i had a similar thread going. I revised and reposted, as i felt not having the speaker name in the title was limiting feedback and probably useful search-ability now the road)

Showing 1 response by brf

The Apogee Duetta's were voiced with Classe amplification. Try an older DR9, DR25/Model 25 amplifiers, or an even older Classe DR-3 which Jason Bloom used at industry demos.