Bryston VS Musical Fidelity

Hi gang,

I'm looking for opinions on this. Has anyone compared
The Bryston 4BSST to the Musical Fidelity A5 power amp?

Showing 6 responses by ehoehn

Tvad, that is why I was surprised by your post saying it would be bright. You recent statement is more accurate IMHO, neutral
I own the Bryston 4BSST and love it. It is neutral and excels lin letting you hear exactly what is there. It has the power to control your speakers and allow them to sing
I would also add thet the neww SST versions of the Brystom amps are less birght than the ST counterparts. MGD in Bound for Sound characterized the 4BSST as a warm amp
I would characterize it as neutral. it doesn't overemphasize any one area. It is neither bright not warm
Has any one listened to the Bryston and Belles amps side by side? What are the sonic differences? Also is there any difference in the Bryston line between the 4bsst and say the 14bsst or 7bsst mono's, or is it just headroom?
I am going to be auditioning a pair of the nuforce in mid may. I am hoping they will do well in my system