Bryston or Aragon

My son is a music lover like I am.  He plays bass and dabbles in audio recording.  Well he’s all grown up now and has his own family and home and he has decided to leave his Yamaha receiver behind and stick his toe into the world of hi fi.  He needs a power amp.  He has done his research, browsed audiogon and talked with me and has decided on either a Bryston 4BST or an Aragon 8008BB.  Both are within his budget on the used market.  Initially the amp will be paired up with an Adcom GFP 555 (I think), a Technics turntable, some kind of CD player and my old Polk SDA 1A speakers.  If you have had experience with either of these amps please share your thoughts. I know there are other options that might fit the bill but he is firm on these two.  Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Showing 3 responses by tazz2

Aragon 8008BB was their Top Tier (Mondial) Dual Mono amp (sharing only the power cord) with Balanced Inputs and a MASSIVE POWER SUPPLY compared to the 8008ST, and mainly or wholly designed by thee Dan DAgostino for Mondial. It's a killer amp and was highly reviewed--warm,yes--tight full bass--NO treble roll off... Highly recommend if reasonably priced !
Aragon 8008BB was their Top Tier (Mondial) Dual Mono amp (sharing only the power cord) with Balanced Inputs and a MASSIVE POWER SUPPLY compared to the 8008ST, and mainly or wholly designed by thee Dan DAgostino for Mondial. It's a killer amp and was highly reviewed--warm,yes--tight full bass--NO treble roll off... Highly recommend if reasonably priced !