Bryston & Harbeths - Good Match?

I have a Bryston 4b SST2 amp and am looking to upgrade from my Vandersteen 2ce Sigs. I like the Vandy’s but I think they are a bit large for my 15’ x 18’ room.

I have been looking at the Harbeth SHL5’s and I have not seen much written about them with the Bryston. Does anyone here have any experience with this combination?

I am also considering the Totem Mani 2’s, Dynaudio’s and a few others. I really hate giving up the low end of the Vandy’s so I am looking for something that might come close in my small room. I really don’t want to go the sub route.

I am looking at used speakers and my budget is in the $2k to $4k range. Any comments and or suggestions are welcome. Oh, I listen to a wide range of music. From Diana Krall to Elvis Costello to Jimmy Buffett.


Showing 3 responses by ben77059

Thanks for all the input. Since I have the Bryston, I think I need to look at other speakers.

I want to audition the Dynaudio and Totem. Any other suggestions?

The Gallo Ref. 3.1 has great reviews but that is one strange looking speaker. The price of the 3.5's went way up, so they are out of the question.

Thanks again.
In my OP I mentioned my budget was $2k-$4k. I am not opposed to spending less, so when you have a range from say, $1k and up, there are many choices. The Harbeth’s were on the short list but I think you all have convenienced me that they may not be the best choice to go with my Bryston.

Jaybo, did you mean the Vandy 2ce Sig. II's? I would be curious to hear the difference between mine and the II’s. I really do like the Vandy’s but I think they can be improved upon. The II’s might be perfect, but I’m in the mood to try something different.

It’s odd that the third largest city in the US (Houston) only has a couple of high-end audio stores. My in-store listening options are limited and I know that what I hear in the store may not be what I hear in my room with my gear. I have to rely, at least somewhat, on other people’s opinions and reviews. Since everyone’s ears and tastes are different, I could end up getting something I don’t like or missing something I would like, but I have found, for the most part, the info I pick up is pretty much right on.

There have been some good suggestions already. I have heard great things about Focus Audio and need to look into them some more. Thanks for all the comments and I’m looking forward to more suggestions.
Cmo...A weekend in Austin visiting dealers might be a good idea.

It seems that in my budget – up to $4k – there is just a plethora of options. It’s too bad it’s not as simple as, the higher the price, the better the speaker.

For a while, I was looking at the Sonas Faber line, but many reviews seem to say it’s an okay speaker in a really nice box.

As I research Totem, I keep running into comparisons with Ohm Micro. Most posts seem to favor the Ohm Micro and they cost less. Anyone here have an opinion?

As I mentioned, my room is fairly small. Are the any speakers that love being close to the back wall? It seems like most high-end speakers like being two feet or more from the back wall. That puts my sitting position about eight feet from the front of the speaker. That’s not too close, but if it’s a big floor stander, it feels like they are right on top of you.