Bryston 7Bst vs 7B3

Hi Goner's...

Has anyone compared the Bryston 7Bst mono blocks to Bryston's new 7B3 mono blocks. I currently own the 7Bst's and love them. Will the 7B3's be worth the change?  I haven't seen any reviews on these. Just recently bought the Focal sopra 2's Speakers (you gotta go listen to these!) and was thinking of the 7B3's as my final upgrade (for a while).

Showing 8 responses by jafant


what other gear, including cabling, is in your system? Happy Listening!
I will jump in on your query;
going from a BST to SST, yes, there will be a sonic improvement.
I suspect that going from a SST to B3 will support another sonic improvement. Only you can decide if the extra dollars spent is worthy.
Many Thanks! 2bz

I am seriously considering the Bryston integrated amp.  I have heard the separates on many occasions, have any of you guys heard the B-135?
Right On! dave_72

gear at this level must be heard to be believed.  I have auditioned the Bryston 3B and 3BST & 4BSST power amps w/ an ARC Ref5SE = a very synergistic sonic match on Wilson speakers.
Thank You- givin2u

very interesting combo you have going on there;
CJ, Adcom and MIT.  I love CJ gear and would love to demo their newest integrated amp.

Previous owned Adcom- always very good. Have never demo'ed M.I.T. cabling?