Bryston 7Bcubed vs Mark Levinson

hello everyone I'm new to the forum and have been out of the audio hobby for quite some time. Way back in 1992 I bought a new pair of Magnaplaner Tympani 4a's I still enjoy listening to my Maggies but I need to update a few pieces I currently have a pair of Bryston 7B-ST's they still sound great but its time to update i also have an Audio Research REF-3 pre-amp and i listen to mostly classic rock and guitar based jazz my question is I found a pair of mark Levinson 436 mono blocks super shape price is right but i have never had a chance to audition these how would these compare to a pair of Bryston 7B cubed any thoughts is greatly appreciated....

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@yyzsantabarbara, are you talking the ST series only, or have you also heard the Cubed series?   I purchased a 4B3 a couple years ago to try against my Pass X250.8 and thought it to be just as refined and smooth as the more expensive Pass amp.  I owned a 4B many years ago and agree the older models can sound fatiguing (and maybe a little dry too), but I thought the 4B3 was excellent and certainly not fatiguing.   YMMV...

@ddafoe I was only talking about the ST series that the OP owns. I have heard the 4B3 and it is much different on top. There are some folks who still like the older ST and SST line for bass. I have not compared too much to have an opinion, but I was surprised to read that.

The best bass I had was when I had my Bryston 7B-SST monos with my Revel Salon 1. I could play that as loud as I wanted and at any time of the day. I did not know better back then and used the Bryston BP20 peamp with the 7B-SST, a bad choice in retrospect. I should have used a tube preamp like the OP.


i realized i didn't  ask the correct question here sorry guys!!

i'm trying to make a decision between the Bryston 7B-cubed or the Mark Levinson 436 mono blocks and was wondering if anyone has any experience with these amps driving Magnaplaners... thanks guys