Bryston 4B-ST overkill for Paradigm ??

I have a pair of Paradigm Ref Studio 100s v2 speakers and have been looking for a decent amp to drive them. The Anthem MCA-2 and Bryston 4B-ST are readily available where I live but not for home audition. I can get the Anthem for a good deal, the Bryston is 3 times the cost of the Anthem, is there really that much of a difference between these two amps driving the paradigms, thanks for the help.

Showing 1 response by no_money

Another thing to consider, do you plan to upgrade speakers or any other component in the future? If so the Bryston amps would "keep up" with the level of your system. I have not heard either of these amps but I know going from Sonograph (low end CJ)1k To proceed hpa2 3k was well worth the money. Going by the reputation of S.F. and Bryston I would think you would also hear a significant improvement with the Bryston, but not that the Anthem would be that bad. Is there a return policy at this store? I am surprised to hear of dealers with this level of gear not allowing for home auditions, this is not Ciruit City.