Bryston 4B ST Opinions Needed Please

I'm going to upgrade my amp, currently Acurus 250. What do you think of the Bryston 4B St. My budget is $1500 used and I would like at least 200 watts into 8ohms. Any suggestions on other amps also greatly appreciated. I prefer SS or integrated. Thank you for your help. Rick
The Bryston 4B-ST is one of the best amplifiers on the planet outside of spending crazy money. It gives you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It doesn't pretend to smooth over a bright system or liven up a dull system, it simply amplifies whatever it is fed. Transparency and control are the hallmarks of the 4B-ST. Try it Rick and you will not go back to anything else. Just make sure your preamp is up to the task, preferably a BP20 or 25. I'm sure anyone else who's used one can attest to this. You'll never see mine come up for sale.
I love mine but there are other good choices - Aragon, Marsh, Classe, etc. All are great products. You should be able to get a 4BST near your budget limit - don't let a newer one get away for $100 over your limit. Superb build, great control and the best warranty in the biz. I let my Bryston preamp go in favor of a tube preamp and as long as I own 4 ohm speakers the 4BST will be buried with me...
I'm another very satisfied owner of a 4BST. It truly is just an amplifier. By this I mean that it really does not have its own sonic signature. It takes its input signal, and adds voltage and current faithfully, and in some cases with brutal honesty. I'm a classical recording engineer that values linearity and reliability. The Bryston will always be my reference.