Bryston 4B gets HOT. Should I leave it on?

My 4B is 25 years old and gets smoking hot. I sherk my hand when I touch it. Is this seem normal for an old amplifier? It's off the ground and I'm going to add a fan near it to help ventilate...

My entire room gets warm because of it! I would rather turn it off when not in use to 1) save power and 2) reduce the heat buidup. However, I've been told that leaving it on is both better SOUNDING and EASIER on the components (less wear and tear). What do you guys think? Can I turn this oven off?
Just the thread I need. I've got a pair of 7BSTs which I've had since 1996. One of them gets so hot you cannot keep your hand on the front let alone the top without burning it after about 30 seconds. It has always been too hot but now that I'm using it with my home theater it is over the top hot. After being on and driven for three hours it is bad.

Should I just sent it back to Bryston? Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Yes Hugh, send it in for service!

I run a pair of 7B-ST's & after a 2-4 hour listening session they only get warm to the touch.

I would stop running it, you may wind up doing more damage if you don't.
Agreed, I haven't turned it back on after it did that twice. Warm would be fine but not this. Hopefully I don't already have damage.

Send it to Bryston. That is indeed atypical behavior and as such is in need of a competent tech's attention. I doubt you'll have to worry about any repair charges. They are a top flight company that takes customer service seriously. (I know this from personal experience.)