Bryston 3bsst Vs. Coda 11

Opinions please on which would fit better in my system? I am a college student so buying an amp like this is a big investment for me. The Coda is used and is in very good shape.(maybe like 200 hrs on it ). I am also open to any other amp suggestions. My current system is:

Epos m12 - speakers
Cambridge Audio 500se cdp
Nottingham Horizon tt
Bryston 3b ( old ) amp
Rogue 66 Mag pre-amp

With my current bryston amp the sound is a little grainy and maybe too forward for my taste but I love the way it controls the bass.

Showing 1 response by shaman

The new BRYSTON sst. models are not tipped-up in the upper frequences like some would like you to beleive, read the reveiws for yourself. Now if you want some more coloration add a tube pre-amp and there it is !! Magic. Or spend thousands more for something more exotic with some real snob appeal. 20-year warranty do ya think it's well built ??