Bryston 3bsst Vs. Coda 11

Opinions please on which would fit better in my system? I am a college student so buying an amp like this is a big investment for me. The Coda is used and is in very good shape.(maybe like 200 hrs on it ). I am also open to any other amp suggestions. My current system is:

Epos m12 - speakers
Cambridge Audio 500se cdp
Nottingham Horizon tt
Bryston 3b ( old ) amp
Rogue 66 Mag pre-amp

With my current bryston amp the sound is a little grainy and maybe too forward for my taste but I love the way it controls the bass.

Showing 2 responses by lou_3rd

For years the word most used to describe Bryston has been bright. I first heard Bryston gear driving Infinity Reference speakers, they had a baffel with Emit tweeters, and mids, and one with woofers for each channel, big money in their day. I did not think in that system they sounded bright. More recently I heard Bryston driving Maggies at a dealer, I left before blood came gushing out of my ears. I know, this is an old post, but some may still pull it up and look. Has Bryston always been bright, was it the CDP and not the Bryston gear, who knows? This is just food for thought.
"like some would like you to beleive" As I am the only one who mentioned bright, it is not what I want him "to believe", and I really do not care for the implication that it is. I heard what I heard, and I stated clearly that it may have been the CDP, that I could not say in absolute terms that it was the Bryston gear. Be that as it may, you have effectively called me a liar, and I do not much appreciate that. I heard what I heard, my wife and a good friend of mine had that shared experiance. It was very bright, and we really could not stand to listen. I had a like experiance once in my system when I changed IC's. Be that as it may, you would think a dealer would be sure that his gear was better setup, so that IC's would not be an issue. Not only that, but others have told me it is bright gear, and were it only one or two people, one might dismiss the opinion, but it does not seem to be that limited an opinion. Again, in a good neutral system, any number of things can cause the system to seem bright. So, all that being all that, one would be wise to be sure that they do not find Bryston bright in their own system, unless they are ready to act to address the source, be it IC's or the Bryston gear itself.