Bryston 3B ST or McCormack DNA 1

Which amp do you think would deliver a better, detailed large sound stage for B&W N805's. I beleive that I can buy either used for about $1000. or how about the Anthem AMP2? I think I am narrowed it down to these... I apreciate any feedback.

Showing 1 response by rute1

Avitar, I've audition both 3B and DNA-1 on my Apogee Slant-6 about 2 years ago. It's close one: 3B seem to better DNA on bass control and little deeper on sound stage but DNA averall silky, detailed, smoothness, mid-midhigh, bass is OK-good. can't blame them both (love 'em) it depend on what you like and your choice of speaker, for B&W N805's I'll audition both but DNA is 1st drive. Happy thanksgivin, Rute.